Friday, July 31, 2009

When you brush your teeth, where do you spit? we all know, when we brush our teeth, we suppose to spit on the sink right?

So there's this "educated" woman that makes her kids brush her teeth, turn around and spit on the toilet???

We rinse our toothbrush in the what's up with a spit in the sink,,, it only comes from our mouths?

Which of coarse when we brush our teeth with colgate, crest...etc Than that means that we are not only spitting our mouth germs but also the Fluoride, baking soda and peroxide! Well about two months ago Tyra Banks had a show based on germs with a scientist as a guest. They showed pictures of germs found in public places such as; starbucks counters, where feces and other bacteria was found. Also, some other places like shopping cart handles, cafeteria trays, public bathroom counters, faucets and door knobs...etc. These are many of the places where people place their hands on. *Sooo if we wash our hands on the sink, which obviously they are filled with germs and what not, what's wrong about spiting on the sink? I shouldn't even think about this because my mothers sink was alittle over $1000.00 and all my family spits on the sink, and I do live in Beverly Hills and I am educated...I don't think spitting on the sink is dirty but I am trying to prove a point to this woman...please support me with good answers, I appreciate it alot. Thanks!!!

When you brush your teeth, where do you spit?
I spit in the sink...Don't want my face that close to a disgusting toilet!
Reply:I spit in the sink and then rinse it out by running the water.
Reply:I hear ya...I spit in my sink too. Go prove that point!
Reply:I spit in the sink and rinse it out when I am all done.
Reply:Isn't that what the bathroom sink is for? I agree with you. It's not like you're using the kitchen sink.
Reply:that lady is retarded... thats why i wash my sink out with cleaners such as comet.. or bleach... and i do it about every two weeks....
Reply:I spit in the sink when I brush my teeth.Spitting in the sink is not a bad habit;you're supposed to do this also after you rinse with mouthwash.Spitting in the toilet,however,wastes water and is not recommended as part of your toothbrushing regimine.
Reply:The sink !!.... I do not hang my head over the toilet other than to vomit!!

This toilet spitting is just plain gross!~ So much for education huh? !

Reply:The woman is a psycho.
Reply:anywhere except into the wind
Reply:First of all, the facts that your sink cost $1000 and you live in Beverly Hills (swimmin pools an moviestars) has absolutely nothing to do with this subject. The way you worked it in there with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer makes me think you could do with some humility. But now I'm digressing.

Germs are everywhere. Humans need them otherwise their immune systems get fat and lazy and aren't in good enough shape to fight off illness. Oprah, Tyra Banks and pretty much every morning show in the country has done an expose on "hidden germs" because alot of people, I'm guessing you fit the category, often have a touch of obsessive compulsive disorder about them that these shows appeal to.

Before I go on, please understand this is not an attack I'm just giving it to you straight.

The toilet thing. Who cares what some woman on TV thinks. Sometimes I spit my toothpaste in the toilet but its just to save water. Yes there are germs in your sink but there are germs everywhere and they won't kill you or hurt you.

Thing that kills me about those california types who come up with this crap is that they are often the people with toy dogs who they let lick them or "kiss" them, sometimes on the mouth. That's where I draw the line.

By the way, for your continuing education.

learn the difference between; course and coarse
Reply:u just wrote that to say u live in beverly hills and you have a $1,000 sink
Reply:It depends where I am. I either spit in the toilet ( there's usually water in the sink for the cat) or I swallow (if I'm away from the bathroom sink).
Reply:You spit in the sink. I've never heard of anyone spitting out toothpaste in toilet before. Anyway, what about splashing? What about having to clean the toilet seat afterwards?

I clean my sinks with windex on a regular basis.
Reply:Does this lady have a $1000 dollar sink? If she doesn't, perhaps that's the reason she doesn't spit in it. Maybe her toilet cost more and that's why she likes to spit in it. By the way, I do spit in the sink and I don't know how much it cost.
Reply:In the sink - if you're close enough to spit in the toilet, then you're inhaling all sorts of bacteria...

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