Friday, July 31, 2009

Get braces or dont get them? (pictures included)?

Get braces or dont get them ?

Im very insecure about my teeth. Theyre not extremely crooked, but yeah they are crooked. My friends say they dont notice, and a few people who already notice still say I have a great smile. Im not boasting, but Im not bad looking. However, my looks dont makeup for my teeth so at times I feel unconfident. Should I get braces anyways ? Im 16 =/

Note: please must check other pictures link in website which is in top of my website.

Get braces or dont get them? (pictures included)?
I have just turned thirteen and I got train track braces in December after having really annoying/sore overbite braces (they made you look like you were giving permanent sniders plus all your food got stuck in the top plate).

I say get them! I can't view your pictures because I'm not a member of Blog Spot but I say even if they are slightly crooked get them because in the end they won't be just slightly crooked - they will be straight!

Heres some things you should know.

It doesn't hurt when you first put them on it hurts about twenty minutes later and lasts up to about to two weeks afterwards depending on how sensitive your teeth are (mine lasted for about three days).

If you don't like school you will like it even though it's painful because you normally get about two days off each time it's tightened because it's so painful (so painful you end up crying half the time just to let you know).

Sorry if I'm scaring you but I thought you should know the honest truth.

I've never had a tooth ache as I have had brilliant teeth hygiene all my life but I think it is probably worse considering you get mild tooth aches and very very painful tooth aches.

They gave me one ulsar because at one side my orthadontist left the wire too long but it soon goes away as your gums adjust.

I've never had the colours changed but when i had them put of the first time (the same as changing them) it was painless it was the most relaxing bit of the treatment.

I would suggest buying the little floshing brushes to use in your braces and use the water pik aswell. I use both and it helps bad breath and stuff like that.

Also stock up of mouthwash and toothpaste for obvious reasons!

Always carry mints and a little compact mirror for bad breath plus food stuck in the braces. It's really not nice for people to see or smell.

Since I am bored I will explain what happened to me e.g. how he put it on.

First obviously you lie back in the chair and put these speacial UV protection glasses on.

He first cleans your teeth with something simmilar to a water pik.

He then puts green gel stuff on your teeth so the braces will stick better (they are glued to your teeth BTW). Don't put your toungue on the gel it tastes digusting and leaves you with a horrible taste in your mouth all day.

He gets the brackets (the bits the colour goes on) and sticks them with special glue on your teeth. One per tooth.

He now cuts a bit of wire and clips that in to each bracket to form a brace. He know asks you what colours you would like. I would suggest green and pink as it looks super cool in your mouth but it's your decision.

He puts the colours in (you can ask for three colours one after the other, two colours one after the other or first on the top set second colour on the bottom set).

Now he explains your brushing routine and gives you dental wax to helps your gums and tongue (you can basically throw thi in the bin when you are home - it is hopeless and doesn't even stick to your braces).

I forgot to mention that while he is doing this you have a vacuam type tube in your mouth so you don't choke on your saliva or the water out the water pik thing.

I have pink and green at the momment they are very cool. They are very bright! The green is lovely. I have these colours until March I want black and purple in March.

The black is super cool too I think and doesn't make you look like you have rotton teeth. Since in March it's nearly easter time I suggest "Easter colours" like pink, yellow, green, light blue, lilacs. Any soft/pastal colour is like a "Easter colour".

If you are scared/worried tell your orthadontist he/she should then take you through what they are going to do to make you feel at ease.

Good luck and hope your better soon if they end up sore.

Feel free to e-mail me about anything to do with dentists or braces.

Hope I helped!
Reply:ewwww............. ya lil' nasty
Reply:well..i can't see any pics

city opera

I had REALY bad buck teeth from being youg up intil about a year ago (when I was 15 Years Old)?

So all my school photographs and holiday photos and photos with my friends have my teeth looking awful on them. What I was wondering is when I get a boyfriend (a serious one) and we look at each others would they react to these old pictures!??

I had REALY bad buck teeth from being youg up intil about a year ago (when I was 15 Years Old)?
You look at pictures of how you used to look and laugh.. and if people take the mickey you laugh and agree because you know you looked silly. I've never met anyone who fell out because of what they used to look like as a kid.
Reply:i wouldn't show those photos unless i wanted to know how vain he is. people always want to show how far they've come, because of their pride, which is understandable. but if you do it too early on in the relationship people tend to focus on what that person used to be like, and it can distort things a bit.
Reply:Don't worry, Ken Dodd and Esther Ransome made a fortune with their prominent teeth, nobody laughs at them. well Ken Dodd apart. But you know what I mean buck teeth can be very appealing.
Reply:just laugh about it. He will be interested in the person you are and shouldn't be bothered about how you looked when younger. Its a shame people put so much emphasis on what they look like . Some really good looking people have personalities like dead fish. I would rather be with someone open hearted and good natured. good luck to you.
Reply:Old photographs of anybody always raise a smile, buck teeth, stupid expression, bad hair......we all have them and nobody cares very much it seems about anyone else's because they know their own are just as bad if not worse - don't waste any more time worrying about this.

nanny agency

Super scared about wisdom teeth removal this Friday!?

So I am having oral surgery this Friday to remove all 4 of my wisdom teeth. The 2 up top are poking through but not completely...and my bottom ones are impacted. The 2 up top are the ones bothering me and irritating my cheeks/gums. My bottom ones I don't seem to have any trouble with. *BUT* if I am going to go through this I'd rather only do it once and go for all 4. Anyways, I realize that millions of people have gone through this and that it's a common thing, but I am 100% petrified! I was ok when I made the appointment but now that is only days away I'm freaking out. My stomach is in knots and I know it will only get worse closer to Friday. And I know that looking up pictures and reading experiences on the internet is only making me more scared. Can I can get some words of encouragement and some non-scary stories to try to help me calm my nerves!!! Thanks ya'll!

Super scared about wisdom teeth removal this Friday!?
it is honestly the easiest dental procedure possible for you. i am terrified of the dentist! but this was the greatest experience ever! i went in, got a small prick in my arm, counted backwards from 10(i only remember getting to 9) and then i woke up and was done! if only ALL my dental visits could be this easy!

discomfort afterwards was VERY minimal and i have like ZERO pain tolerance, even after 3 kids!

good luck and seriously dont worry!
Reply:i got it done about 6 months ago, they knock you out with nitrous and you wake up an hour later with swollen gums. it is kind of painful for about a week or so afterwards, but with the painkiller meds they give you, its bearable...
Reply:Ok. I had mine done when i was 17. So did most of my sisters. They put me on that gas (what do they call it laughing gas for pain?) so i was still awake but couldnt feel anything.. I was in a chair mostly in sitting up position. It was quick.. pretty easy and feels much better after than having those things poking threw. After you will get rest %26amp; sleep. Having tonsils taken out was worse.. this will be pretty easy for you.

Dont worry %26amp; quit doing research on it lol. Just let it be:)p
Reply:I had two bottom wisdom teeth removed. The surgery itself is not will be given a prescription for pain medicine for afterward, have it filled asap - to avoid unecessary discomfort. It's better to have it done now, than to wait. - besides, it will most certainly benefit you and prevent damage to your teeth and gums.

Don't worry, just relax - it will all be over soon. :)
Reply:I enjoyed getting those stupid wisdom teeth out. I kept biting my cheek, obviously no room in my gums for an extra set of teeth!

They will knock you out and yeah you will be sore for a few days, but you'll be fine. Best wishes!
Reply:First make sure that your dentist is using the strongest knock out stuff he can use. The ones that give you a pill , or an IV and then a ton of Novocaine are the best ..for me once the procedure was done...the rest of it was not so bad 'cause I knew it was over! Your mouth willbe swollen and hurt bad foabout 48 hours. If you have anything that will help you sleep that would be good. He will send you home with pain medication..(an Rx) ask him to prescribe the strongest med. he can and also something to help you sleep. BEA BIG BABY!! This is one thing you don't have to be tough about! I don't know who you have taking you .. but they better be really nice!! You will need someone really nice!!! Anyway...long story, short version. It's not fun...all you should feel when they pull the teeth is pressure. If you feel anything else don't have to have pain during this part. You will have enough after(I'm sorry ..I just had to say that..)....but just keep thinking "this is as bad as it's ever going to be...I did it I'm done..I went to the mountain and conquered it!!! good me tomorrow ..(if you're not dead) and tell me how it went. I'm kidding you shall not die! ♥ ♥

"this to shall pass" ♥
Reply:Yikes! Do not look at pictures on the internet! Thank God it never occured to me to look up the procedure. All I know is that I am terrified of the dentist in general, and put off having my wisdom teeth pulled for years because I was so anxious. This despite the fact my cheeks bled every time the teeth came in, and I could hardly chew because of the pain. But I'd heard everybody's horror stories (especially my mother's, as she got up in the middle of her procedure and left!), and was certainly no glutton for punishment. I stressed and put off doing it for a long time, told myself it was too expensive, freaked out before I went, couldn't sleep the night before, etc. But, as it turned out, the whole thing was completely fine! It was totally one of those "what was the big deal about that?" sort of events. I had hardly any soreness after all four were pulled. I had it done on a Friday, and my cheeks were ridiculously puffy afterwards, but I felt fine the whole time. I drank smoothies, slept a lot on Saturday, and by Sunday I even looked normal. My husband told me that when he got his pulled he went to a party that same night. It was a complete non-event in my life, and I honestly hadn't even thought of it again before I read your post (I happened to be looking up orthodontist information for my daughter!). You will be completely fine! Take advantage of the time to get some rest, watch old movies, and just take it easy afterwards!
Reply:I had all 4 wisdoms removed and all were impacted.

You will be in pain for about 1 week to 10 days. But your doc will prescribe you some good pain medication. As long as you take the medication as prescribed you will be fine!!

Don't forget to take your pain meds because once the meds are out of your body it becomes hard to control the pain again.

Its not that bad. No seriuosly it really isn't!! You will need to ice your face for the first 48hrs.

My advice is eat lots of foods before this Friday. Pack on some calories because once the teeth are removed you will be only able to eat soft foods for a while.

Make sure you get rest, and lots of! This will def speed up the healing process and deminish your pain. Just make sure you sleep on 2-3 pillows and don't lay flat or the swelling will increase.

In just a week you will be much better, and in two weeks you will be great.

Stop worrying you will be fine.
Reply:Dooont worry i ve had maaany friends who've done it my mom has too all u have to do is rest ur pretty head on the dentists chair and in 1 hour ull wake up prety numb and u might get pain after the numbness goes which takes a while ur dentist should give u antibiotics (however u spell it) so take them before the numbness fades away and in about 2-5 days ull be juuust peachy keen fine xP
Reply:I'm the biggest baby and I survived having mine done. Make sure you take the pain meds. on time before you're in a lot of pain. I had 2 done at a time with just Novocaine. Once it's done you'll never have to worry about it agian.
Reply:I just got mine out 4 days ago, and I am one that is amazingly scared of the dentist. They used IV Sedation to take out mine. I don't remember a whole lot except for the car ride home. I had prepared myself for the worst imaginable pain and what not, and to my surprise it is not as painful as I thought. I just made sure to not drink out of a straw and all that other stuff they tell you, I mostly have drank Boost, and made Boost shakes for something to eat. Tonight I managed to have some mashed potatoes. Its okay, and the good thing is that it will be over before you know it! Hang in there and let me know how it goes when its all over!

I got my teeth taken out when I was 17 that was two years ago. I had all four taken out....yay me....

Anyway...I wasn't actually scared about the surgery ...well not as much as having them stick an IV needle in me. I'm so scared of needles!! Well what I did was stay up all night watching movies and enjoying myself as much as possible until 10 A.M. when I had to get there. I was so dog gone tired that it didn't really bother me to have her poke me. I was just like "give me that drugs already so I can sleep". The only thing bad for me was it took her three tries for her to get the needle in me. I thought I was going to strangle her...but I was so tired that I just started laughing. ....Then I closed my eyes and focused on sleep. I think I woke up around 6-6:30 P.M. I felt actually pretty good was the next day when I puffed up that was hard for me.



When I got home I had to use ibuprofen to kill the pain because my mom refused to let me have the stronger stuff. Of course that didn't kill the pain at all ....well at least not for the first two days or so. So it was kinda hard for me I guess. But I think having trouble eating was the next hard thing for me. I was so scared to eat anything for fear that it would get infected. My doc told me to swish warm water with salt disolved in it to clean my stiches. Do this after you eat....or more if you want to. Mine didn't get infected and I didn't puff up that much either...but just being slightly puffy is enough to make me unhappy.

Oh I forgot to mention when you go ...go in your most comfortable sleepware. ....your just going to sleep all day anyway.

***My doctor drilled a hole all the way through two of them so I kept them and put them on a necklace as a reminder. I thought I'd keep them because it's like wisdom on a string.

I know it's kinda weird....



opera sheet music

Are my maltese's teeth normal?

When it closes its mouth and doesn't have his tounge out, like he usually does, his bottom teeth sort of stay out in front of his lips and he never keeps them in, when closing his mouth. I've seen other maltese dogs in pictures on the net and haven't seen this in them.

Are my maltese's teeth normal?
nope, that's not normal. your dog has a serious underbite. hope you didn't pay a bunch of money for him and i REALLY hope you aren't planning on using him for stud
Reply:some dogs have bad alignment of their teeth. it's a breeding issue. you should not breed him if you were planning with this type of malalignment. aside from that take him to the vet and make sure there aren't too many teeth, like he has retained his baby teeth or the teeth are decayed and that's why they're sticking out. if it's just how his teeth are keep an eye on them and make sure he gets his teeth checked at yearly vet visits. but most dogs that have this issue do fine. they chew with their back molars so as long as they are aligned right shouldn't cause any problem. he'll just have a toothy smile.
Reply:It's not the breed standard. He has an underbite, but it's nothing to worry about if he is a pet. You wouldn't want to breed him.
Reply:he just has an can be sort of cute sometimes!
Reply:I don't know if its normal or not, but my maltese has the same problem with his teeth. But the underbite doesn't seem to bother my dog at all, so I think its not a health issue, just crooked teeth.
Reply:IT IS NORMAL for Maltese. They all have it. I have two Maltese dogs %26amp; they both do too.

It is also NORMAL for them to cough. It sounds a bit like they are choking, but they are not. It is just something Maltese dogs do.
Reply:The standard: "The teeth meet in a even edge-to-edge bite or in a scissors bite"

If your maltese is very young it might correct itself, you should ask your vet, there may be a overcrowding of teeth.


How do I send files, ring tone & pictures to my cellphone with blue tooth ?

What do I need, for my computer. It already has blue tooth. But I don't know how it works. My friend told me I need a blue tooth dongle. Do I ? If so Whats the name of the product.

How do I send files, ring tone %26amp; pictures to my cellphone with blue tooth ?
you need a bluetooth adapter.

opera mobile

I'm 22 and I still have 2 baby teeth...Implants? or a Bridge?

Ok, so both of my K-9's are baby teeth. I went to the dentist and he told me that my perminents were impacted in my gums and that they were coming down horizontally and would eventually knock out all of my front teeth. Needless to say, I had them removed when they went in for my wisdom teeth. I know my options are implants or a bridge, but what is the better option? Bridges kinda freak me out, but if I go with an implant, I will have to do a bone graft. I need some advice from anyone who has been there,.... I am getting married December of 09' and I want to have a beautiful smile in my wedding pictures!

I'm 22 and I still have 2 baby teeth...Implants? or a Bridge?
bridges are less painful, and there is no recovery time.
Reply:Implants would look best. If you are going to get a bridge you would probably need to have the crowns of the bridge extend to all front teeth, in order for it too look the best, which will add greatly to the cost of the bridge. I would recommend the implants, they look great and last well as long as you take care of them and keep them cleaned regularly by professionals. The graft is a good thing, this helps insure that it will not interfere with your sinuses and that it will last.
Reply:Both are good restorations. The implant is the best option, because it is more like a natural tooth. A bridge can be difficult to clean around, you have to use special flossing techniques. It may be fine, if you are disciplined. An implant will also look better. Even the best bridge looks like a bridge to the trained eye. If I had the two options, and could afford the implants, I would definitely choose the implants.
Reply:Implants are definitely the best way to go as far as long term. Also, you do not have to damage the surrounding teeth! You should go have a consultation regarding the implant process and costs. Implants are a lengthy process, even more if you need to have the bone graft but the results are fantastic. Make sure to weigh all pros and cons before you make your decision good luck!


If I stop teeth grinding & stop chewing in the right side will my masseter muscle come back to normal?

Well,I chew everything in the right side %26amp; I often chew gum.Teeth grinding is a habit,I do it when I'm stressed or concentrated or carry something heavy.As a result,the right masseter muscle is enlarged.I hate it because it's very noticeable in the pictures[i look like a mutant:))].If I stop doing those things,in time,will the right masseter muscle look like the left one[normal]?It's that possible?

If I stop teeth grinding %26amp; stop chewing in the right side will my masseter muscle come back to normal?
I definitely agree with "health buff's" answer. I would add that muscles will get smaller with less use (atrophy, or in your case get smaller). Take care.
Reply:Everyone has a dominant side when eating. That is, we all chew, without realizing it, on either our right or our left side with brief movement of food to the opposite side. It is almost impossible to change this pattern.

Yes, you can chew gum less frequently, or eliminate it.

Clenching and grinding are tough to stop. A buxism appliance should be worn at night for this problem but is won't necessarily stop the clenching. It might merely protect the teeth.

Some folks opt for botox injections. Unfortunately they are expensive and the results short lived.

In the picture advertising the movie Saw III... the one with the three teeth on the chain...?

Are the teeth normal sized and the wires like, ultra-small?

Or are the giant teeth with normal sized wire?

In the picture advertising the movie Saw III... the one with the three teeth on the chain...?
well technically they are fake teeth that are bigger then normal on medium sized wire... that way they could do the picture.

but they are supposed to be normal sized teeth on small wire. because in the movie the killer drills little holes into the guys teeth and puts wire through them, clamps the end them he makes the guy pull his own teeth out to try and escape.. but do they ever really escape???
Reply:never thought about that...but that's soo true...that would be funny if it is giant teeth huh? i guess it's more logically that it's ultra small wires. heehee~!
Reply:I don't remember that part, If it was a realistic scene, reg. size teeth on a small wire. Check out Kill Bill Vol. 2, the bad guys get what they deserve!

Visual Basic

Doing a project on Miley Cyrus. Need pictures! PLEASE HELP!!?

I'm doing a project on Miley Cyrus for my french class. We have to write a little book about a person's daily routine. I've looked everywhere for these photos but couldnt find any. Could someone please find me pictures of any of these things: Miley Cyrus waking up, brushing her teeth, brushing her hair, putting on makeup, eating a meal with her family, walking her dog. Please help!!! Thanks so much!

Doing a project on Miley Cyrus. Need pictures! PLEASE HELP!!?
i dont think ur gonna find piccs lyk tht!

u should try the jonas brothers!

Reply:eww... unless that project is "Overrated celebrities and their lifes" I suggest you changes it..

it has some pics with her dog i am pretty sure and it might have some others to!!

Reply:your not gonna really get any of those unless you live with her.
Reply:you can go to google and put pictures of miley cyrus. And it shows a tab showing 3 pictures. click it and youll find alot of pictures of her.

I love Nick Jonas,

Reply: If you go there you see some pics of her sleeping, but they are from a music video Start All Over, so they are not real. But she is sleeping! Good luck with your project.
Reply:you should probably do your project on somebody whos worth it.
Reply:I think you will find a couple of pictures in this site and please try it out.
Reply:I may not be much of a help.

Walking Dog:


Eating with family:


She's fixing her hair here:
Reply:i suggest you change your person..

but to actually answer your question, i dont think a person is going to randomly take a picture of her waking up.

you could try one of her fan sites, nad go to like hannah montana captures.. and maybe theres some of her doing those things.

Nanny Profile

How can I make my teeth whiter in three days?

I have pictures in a few days, so I was wondering if I could get my teeth whiter in a few days without buying any whitening strips or anything like that.

How can I make my teeth whiter in three days?
Three days isn't very long,but you can try a baking soda paste.

It should make a little difference at least and is very cheap. (baking soda and water)
Reply:Use toothpaste
Reply:NO WAY. If there are stains on your teeth you can use colgate white paste and sort of remove it (in a month). but hey dont do anything stupid you will end up with sensetive enamel less teeth if you try that in three days.

MY Suggestion ... Take pics with your mouth shut.

or go to dentist.
Reply:Some dental offices have whats called Zoom bleaching (or some other brand name), it takes about an hour and works really good

expensive though, the office i work at charges about $500


Buck teeth?

im 22 years old, female, getting married next summer. i have two big bucked teeth right in front and when i smile you can see my gums. which is why i never smile. im sick out it and with my wedding coming up, i want pictures where im smiling and happy. what can i do to fix this? the least painfull method is preferred.

Buck teeth?
Well if price is not an issue, it seems that money can buy you a perfect smile!

If an orthodontist can't help you, try cosmetic surgery.

I bet you're beautiful anyway.
Reply:Honey, The best thing would be to see an orthodonist!! They are ok with payment plans.
Reply:Since price is not an issue and you have your wedding coming up, you should look into having cosmetic surgery. They can fix your teeth with veneers and it isn't painful and only takes a couple of visits. Call your dentist and ask if they do this, and if they don't, ask them to refer you to someone. Make an appointment for a consultation and see what they can do for you. (People in the modeling and entertainment industry do this all the time.)
Reply:if none of these options work, you could just photoshop the picture, assuming you can get them on a digital memory card.
Reply:I would call a local orthodontist that has a good rep. I am not sure how braces would not help bucked teeth, but a orthodontist should be able to do a consult on what you can do.....maybe veneers would help....
Reply:Find a good cosmetic dentist. Veneers are probably the quickest solution.


Does wearing braces make your teeth look bigger after you've taken them off?

My friends and I were looking at pictures and noticed that the people who previously had braces looked like they had teeth that were bigger than those that didn't. Does wearing braces push your gums back?

Does wearing braces make your teeth look bigger after you've taken them off?
I've had braces, and so have a lot of my friends. I personally felt that my teeth looked bigger, but then I realised that I hadn't seen them without braces on them for a while, and probably wasn't used to seeing them normally. Another thing that might make them look bigger is if the teeth were very badly positioned in the mouth to begin with, on angles and such. If the teeth then become straightened, they may look bigger. Hope this helps!
Reply:Of course, just look to your left! lol
Reply:I guess so... my bilingual boss %26amp; my retarded speaking co-worker think so.... so I suppose so!
Reply:Umm yeah, I have seen these photos of this nasty lookin beezy and when she smiles she looks like Mr.Ed.
Reply:of course not! there is no way that it's possible to get bigger teeth by trying to rotate and reposition your teeth. maybe it's some kind of optical illusion that you see, but your teeth will not be able to grow more dentin, pulp, enamel, etc. just by moving them. however, it is possible to shorten your roots if your teeth move too quickly, but that's below the gum line. maybe it looks bigger because they're teeth are close together and equally positioned to look as if they grew.

Java and C++

Wisdom teeth dry socket or not?

I just had my wisdom teeth pulled about 5 days ago the pain has gone down, (dont get me wrong it still hurts) stopped bleeding before the first day. when i take a flashlight and look into my mouth on one side that was infected it looks kinda like a whole, does that mean that its a dry socket, or is that normal? does anyone have any websites with pictures? If it is dry socket what will the dentist do to make it close up? or can I do nothing and it will heal up on its can you tell for sure its dry socket?..they didnt give me a follow up apt. any sugjestions...i do the whole salt water thing at least 3 times a day..I'm really worried about the whole dry socket thing...

Wisdom teeth dry socket or not?
What your looking at is perfectly normal, it will eventually have a grayish covering over the top which is the formation of new tissue. Just continue with the warm salt water rinses and swish vigorously to remove any debris from the opening. If you had a dry socket, you would be in extreme pain. A dry socket is when the extraction site loses it's clot leaving the bone uncovered exposed to the elements of the mouth. This usually occurs with in the first 24-48 hours, so you should be safe after five days. If your still having discomfort start doing some jaw exercises. Use hot compresses (two damp towels heated in microwave works great) on both side of your jaws and open and close your mouth, stretching wider each time. This will help you to regain full function of your mouth by helping to get the blood flowing back in the jaw muscles that are sore from being stretched tight during your extraction procedure. Most patients get immediate relief doing these. Just continue with the rinses, exercises, avoid hard, crunchy, grainy foods that can possibly stab, or lodge in the socket causing trauma. You sound as if your doing fine, so just keep up the good work. You'll be back to normal in just a few more days. Hope I've been of some help and good luck!
Reply:That is perfectly normal. That hole is where your root was. the hole will take a month or so to start closing up. Just remember to keep it clear or any debris.
Reply:im not sure about pictures -- try googling images

as for a dry socket -- try using clove oil

take a peice of a cotton ball -- soak in clove oil ( you can ask for it at a pharmacy or at walmart) and put inside the hole

this is all the dentist will use and its much cheaper (under $3)

remember to take the cotton ball out after a few hours or it might fall out sooner
Reply:if it really hurts then go see your dentast and they will tell you if it is a dry socket and will pack it. yes there will be a huge whole since they took out the thing filling the whole- your tooth. just be sure to keep it clean and take your pills as directed. it could take up to 3 months to heal
Reply:The holes are normal, they'll eventually close up.
Reply:well a dry socket is so painfull you would be going to the doc and that would be hurts really bad.if its been this long i don't think you do have one ,i have had one its bad..but its no anything you cant get over either they packed mine and gave me antibiotic it was fine in a few days its really no big deal but very painfull

safari browser

Invisalign, or braces for crooked teeth. HELP NOW! answer within 1 week please!?

So i'm 13 i need braces well half the people in my school needs braces but anyway. Which is better invisalign or clear ceramic braces for crooken teeth? My bottom once are pretty minor not so bad. it looks like this

except the two teeth the "fang" and the one next to it (left) on the right side is misplaced. the "fang" sticks out and the one next to it is pushed back a bit. but thats it.

top teeth looks like this

but less crooked.

So i was wondering if..... you could help. Oh and NONE of these pictures are me or OWNED by me.

Invisalign, or braces for crooked teeth. HELP NOW! answer within 1 week please!?
Braces are able to handle a much wider range of malocclusions. Also, being fixed on your teeth, you don't have to do anything to get results, unlike Invisalign where the onus is on you to use the plates regularly and properly. Modern braces are almost a fashion statement anyway, and you can always use clear brackets to make them less visible if you're self conscious.

Go the braces!
Reply:I actually went to an orthodontist 2 days ago to inquire about braces vs invisalign.

There are pros %26amp; conds to both of course.

with invisalign, it costs more, takes a while for them to get shipped to you and the results aren't guaranteed you may still need braces after. and not everbody is a candidate for theses either, especially if you need a lot of movement.

But with normal braces you can get the procilane brackets that blend with your teeth, so they dont look like tyical "train tracks"

they did the estimate and invisaligns would cost $6800 vs regular braces at $5600.

Personally, i think i'm gonna go with the normal, clear-bracket braces. I want guaranteed results!
Reply:I had braces like 4 years ago and i wanted Invisalign but my dentist said i couldn't because my "bite" was off so i had to go with the clear ceramic braces ... It really wasn't so bad and had them on for maybe 2 1/2 years. Just ask your dentist for tips on how to keep them clean and dont forget to wear your retainer afterwards!! your teeth will go back to the way it was if you dont wear it... I think right now is a great time to get them, so by the time you have take prom pics and High school graduating pics your teeth should look great by then.

Good Luck

hotels reviews

Are my rat's teeth crooked?

Hi. I posted a question about his teeth being crooked. They had curved off to the way left side of his mouth and he'd not ground them down at all. I wasn't sure if this was not maybe from nursing him via medicine syringe since he was 2 days old(he's a saved snake food). I have since had them trimmed and cannot tell if they are now straight or still crooked. Please take a look at these pictures and let me know:



and for fun, just shin:

If his teeth are crooked is there any way to straighten them? I bought him all these gnawing things. A house that he can chew on, some chew treats, some bird toys, ropes, ratty biscuits, etc, etc. But he seems not interested in them in the least. Could this be because his teeth are crooked? Do they look crooked? If not, what can I do to encourage him t

Are my rat's teeth crooked?
Personally, his teeth look fine. Some rats just aren't a fan of chew toys (my male won't chew on anything that isn't food!) He gets his 'trimming' effect from his food (Regal Rat), and dog biscuits (Bark Bars). Anyways, I would just keep doing 'trial %26amp; error' to find a treat that catches his interest. My male also likes "Twice Treats".

My females, will eat %26amp; chew on EVERYTHING. No worries with them. lol
Reply:awww..thats cute! =D

May be it needs braces..!
Reply:Sorry, I can't tell if they are crooked...just wanted to say (and never thought I would) that he is so CUTE!
Reply:Maybe your rat gnaws onthings from the side. If they are crooked, which they sort of do look like, maybe somehow the vet can do that. But I dont know it might be a risk of anything. I mean one small mistake the vet makes, it may not have any teeth anymore!!! *Gets scared* I would hate that to happen!

But call the vet soon and see if they can see him and check him out.
Reply:No they are not really that crocked. but if he starts having trouble eating and drinking i would defintly take him to the vet. Depending on how crocked they are they can cut them to size, sand them done, what they didi to my rat when his teeth were worse than your rats they had to actully pull them out but they grew back in, in about a week maybe two weeks he had his full grown teeth back in. And he is alive and better than ever today!!!
Reply:Nothing serious there. My hamsters teeth incisors were spaced between them but they fell out and he grew a healthy pair
Reply:Nope, they're fine. Rats are capable of moving their teeth apart etc. This is so that when they're fighting off predators, they can bite, then move their teeth sideways so to tear the flesh.

Also, get him a friend (another male). Rats need company, no matter how much attention you give them. He desperately needs another rat to keep company with otherwise he may resort to self harm (chewing off his tail, tearing out his fur, gnawing cage bars til his gums bleed, etc), become depressed, or lose his mind. Or all of the above.

Also, I don't know if you know, but rats need 2ft squared of cage space each, and cannot live in tanks or aquariums. I'm not judging, but I've noticed that people who keep rats alone also seem to keep their rats in small cages, use sawdust or straw as bedding, and other things that'll harm their rats, mentally or physically. I think it's because they don't do research before they buy the pet, and in doing so, don't realize the harm they're putting their pets in.

I can understand if you don't know this stuff, coz as you say he was saved snake food, you probably didn't have time to do the research. But it's never too late.

my cat

I have messed up teeth?

The health of my teeth are good. They are white, no cavities etc. BUT...They look so bad.

I have 4 wisdoms still. I have to get rid of them soon because they hurt, but the thing that bothers me psychologically is my two capital teeth. One is kind of back and the other is kind of forward. They both have a straight pitch. but because of crowding, one is sticking forward more. I also have a bit of an underbite. I have seen pictures on google, and they aren't quite as severe as what they show, but I do..

What do you think the doctors would suggest for my problems? I am mainly keen on getting them wisdom out, and fixing my two front teeth.

I am an adult, and to be honest I could not live with braces. I refuse to get them no matter how persistent my dentist will be. What do you guys thinks??

I have messed up teeth?
First of all get the wisdom teeth out. That alone will rid you of discomfort and give you more room in your mouth if crowding is an issue. The basic answer of what can be done to fix your teeth is obviously braces. Since you said you can't live with braces as an adult I will assume your reasons aree cosmetic. The answer: Invisalign. I am an adult and have suffered embarassment and insecurity of crooked teeth since childhood. Once I was able to finally afford braces to correct my smile, I didn't want a mouth of metal. Invisalign is a series of clear plastic trays that gradually move your teeth. Every 2 weeks you pop in a new set of trays. The end result is straighter teeth without people really noticing you have "braces". I'm almost one with my treatment, and am comfortable smiling and talking to new people without worrying they are judging my crooked teeth. Check it out, because honestly, feeling better about yourself is something that shines throught to everyone.
Reply:I don't understand your resistance to braces. I am a 26 year old female and I have braces. They do not cause any hard to your physical appearance. I am beautiful and the compliments keep coming.

The only other thing I can tell you is to get veneers or some invisible braces (clear)
Reply:You could get invisilign braces. They are clear and you can't see them. Talk to an orthodontist.
Reply:Wisdom teeth are probably crowding the teeth. Since you're planning on taking care of the wisdom teeth, that would be an excellent time to discuss your two front teeth with your dentist.

He/she may bring up braces. We all know how you feel about that. Then there's the possibility the dentist may suggest getting both front teeth pulled and replaced with a partial plate. Husband had a partial plate for years, because he lost one front tooth playing football in high school.

Years later he had the tooth permanently implanted.

Any other suggestions, I wouldn't know about.

family nanny

Rate my Smile/Teeth, 1-10?

ok, i know i have nice teeth, im kind of obsessed with them, i have had braces,and i have had them bleached. just what do you think?

sorry, they are in grayscale, thats how i set all my pictures after uploading, i dont think i can change them back, but i can assure you, my teeth are white..

yea.. dont mind the flipping off on this one.

kind of a smile..

Rate my Smile/Teeth, 1-10?
perfect straight teeth.. very white!!

nice but I wouldn't bleach them again if I were you because in person they may look obviously bleached which you may not want..

really nice teeth on the whole though :)
Reply:they blind me
Reply:can't really tell, they loook like the glow in the dark..
Reply:kind of a gay question.
Reply:I give you a 2, as in 2 conceited
Reply:you look like you could be a hollister model
Reply:nice =] 9 or 10
Reply:your smile looks weird

your teeth look big

and your teeth like like cinder blocks..theye too square
Reply:10 my dear.

I only wish mine were half as good.
Reply:kinda gay to be obsessed by your teeth. thats a chick thing fo sho
Reply:You are right.

You are obsessed.
Reply:wow they are really white

anyways you have a great smile! =]

if i had to rate it..maybe like a 9
Reply:You have a very pretty smile! :-)

I would rate it a 9.5 :-D
Reply:nothing so special and a little crest whitening strips wont do for anyone , i'd say a 5

the smile is a 6

you can give me as many thumbs down as you want, i can care less *****
Reply:it hink u r hot and ya ur teeth r realy nice.

forgot to rate i give a 9
Reply:wow, very nice. :) you have a great smile with a great set of teeth to show off! I can tell you take care of them, I give you a 10.
Reply:4 cause they look like hamster teeth
Reply:you have a great smile :D sexy
Reply:You're teeth look like Chiclets.. oh and if you didn't have some form of low self esteem you wouldn't be asking strangers to rate your teeth. I give it a 10 out of 10 on the gayness scale.
Reply:You have really nice teeth. I say 10. I don't see anything wrong with your smile.
Reply:You do have really nice teeth and they're blinding ahaha:] on a scale of one to ten i would give them an eight or nine your pretty cute too. ;]
Reply:They are nice I'd say about an 8 but you do seem kinda conceited about them and what you sid about the low self esteem was kinda rude.
Reply:they look great
Reply:Wow you're teeth look great! I don't know why every one is acting so weird that you are asking a simple question. Although posting pictures all over the Internet isn't my thing. =)

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When you brush your teeth, where do you spit? we all know, when we brush our teeth, we suppose to spit on the sink right?

So there's this "educated" woman that makes her kids brush her teeth, turn around and spit on the toilet???

We rinse our toothbrush in the what's up with a spit in the sink,,, it only comes from our mouths?

Which of coarse when we brush our teeth with colgate, crest...etc Than that means that we are not only spitting our mouth germs but also the Fluoride, baking soda and peroxide! Well about two months ago Tyra Banks had a show based on germs with a scientist as a guest. They showed pictures of germs found in public places such as; starbucks counters, where feces and other bacteria was found. Also, some other places like shopping cart handles, cafeteria trays, public bathroom counters, faucets and door knobs...etc. These are many of the places where people place their hands on. *Sooo if we wash our hands on the sink, which obviously they are filled with germs and what not, what's wrong about spiting on the sink? I shouldn't even think about this because my mothers sink was alittle over $1000.00 and all my family spits on the sink, and I do live in Beverly Hills and I am educated...I don't think spitting on the sink is dirty but I am trying to prove a point to this woman...please support me with good answers, I appreciate it alot. Thanks!!!

When you brush your teeth, where do you spit?
I spit in the sink...Don't want my face that close to a disgusting toilet!
Reply:I spit in the sink and then rinse it out by running the water.
Reply:I hear ya...I spit in my sink too. Go prove that point!
Reply:I spit in the sink and rinse it out when I am all done.
Reply:Isn't that what the bathroom sink is for? I agree with you. It's not like you're using the kitchen sink.
Reply:that lady is retarded... thats why i wash my sink out with cleaners such as comet.. or bleach... and i do it about every two weeks....
Reply:I spit in the sink when I brush my teeth.Spitting in the sink is not a bad habit;you're supposed to do this also after you rinse with mouthwash.Spitting in the toilet,however,wastes water and is not recommended as part of your toothbrushing regimine.
Reply:The sink !!.... I do not hang my head over the toilet other than to vomit!!

This toilet spitting is just plain gross!~ So much for education huh? !

Reply:The woman is a psycho.
Reply:anywhere except into the wind
Reply:First of all, the facts that your sink cost $1000 and you live in Beverly Hills (swimmin pools an moviestars) has absolutely nothing to do with this subject. The way you worked it in there with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer makes me think you could do with some humility. But now I'm digressing.

Germs are everywhere. Humans need them otherwise their immune systems get fat and lazy and aren't in good enough shape to fight off illness. Oprah, Tyra Banks and pretty much every morning show in the country has done an expose on "hidden germs" because alot of people, I'm guessing you fit the category, often have a touch of obsessive compulsive disorder about them that these shows appeal to.

Before I go on, please understand this is not an attack I'm just giving it to you straight.

The toilet thing. Who cares what some woman on TV thinks. Sometimes I spit my toothpaste in the toilet but its just to save water. Yes there are germs in your sink but there are germs everywhere and they won't kill you or hurt you.

Thing that kills me about those california types who come up with this crap is that they are often the people with toy dogs who they let lick them or "kiss" them, sometimes on the mouth. That's where I draw the line.

By the way, for your continuing education.

learn the difference between; course and coarse
Reply:u just wrote that to say u live in beverly hills and you have a $1,000 sink
Reply:It depends where I am. I either spit in the toilet ( there's usually water in the sink for the cat) or I swallow (if I'm away from the bathroom sink).
Reply:You spit in the sink. I've never heard of anyone spitting out toothpaste in toilet before. Anyway, what about splashing? What about having to clean the toilet seat afterwards?

I clean my sinks with windex on a regular basis.
Reply:Does this lady have a $1000 dollar sink? If she doesn't, perhaps that's the reason she doesn't spit in it. Maybe her toilet cost more and that's why she likes to spit in it. By the way, I do spit in the sink and I don't know how much it cost.
Reply:In the sink - if you're close enough to spit in the toilet, then you're inhaling all sorts of bacteria...

windows installer

Teeth cavitie!?

i ahve a hole in my tooth. its my first ever hole and im 13, so i guess thats good cuz all a mi m8s have got fillings. Anyway, i wass wondering, can u all send me pictures of your avities and your fillings, so i can decide oon what is best to do for my teeth? ty

Teeth cavitie!?
If it hurts put some ice on it to num it
Reply:Talk to your dentist and get it does not hurt just a little prick where they numb it...take advil...i took the advil capsules not the gel works WONDERUFLLY!!

scooter parts

How do i draw teeth?

I always have trouble drawing teeth so I usually avoid them. I have found that that limits my pictures, does any one have tips or websights on this subject?

How do i draw teeth?
When it comes to teeth, less is more. Light lines and like the above said simple lines.
Reply:Take a better pencil
Reply:It is difficult to tell you...would be easier to show you but i'll give it a go...don't try and draw every single edge of the teeth as they'll look awful..suggest some of the edges at the top and bottom of the teeth and around the gums,,,less is more. Hey i have an idea...i'll draw some for you and scan them into computer and try and send you them but i will need your email...or you might be better off looking on line and there are lots of artists magazines out there and books at your local library. good luck
Reply:you are probably trying to put in too much detail. In most cases teeth don't show much more than simple lines.
Reply:Go to google then to images write teeth and they going to show you some teeth then just copy the one you like the most!!!May be you can look in the library for books.I hope you find some information!!!


Can you send pictures from a phone with blue tooth to a phone with out blue tooth?

if the other phone is capable of getting messages with pics or do both have to have blue tooth?

Can you send pictures from a phone with blue tooth to a phone with out blue tooth?
In order to send a file via Bluetooth to another phone, the second phone has to have Bluetooth, too. If it doesn't have Bluetooth, then you can send it via picture message.
Reply:I think both have to have blue tooth. Why don't you just send in as a pic message.
Reply:u can send photos via MMS, if u want to send it by bluetooth the other phone should aslo have a bluetooth,


Crooked teeth? what to do?

I'm a 18 year old male. My teeth are crooked top and bottom.

Teeth look a little twisted and some are trying to go on top of another one. I've got wisdom teeth. Never been to a dentist since the late '90s. I've had 3 cavities. 2 at the top and 1 at the bottom. They were filled up with silver stuff.

My parents don't have any insurence and can't afford insurance for me. Only my dad goes to the dentist a couple times a year.

I think I'm ugly. When I refuse to smile when pictures are taken.

Crooked teeth? what to do?
Get braces. 5 grand is alot of money when you first thing about it, but assuming you live 50 more years (probably more), think of it as having paid 100$ a year for perfect teeth. WELL worth it, and most orhtodontists offer payment/finance options, as not too many of us can afford to drop 5g's out of nowhere

I had screwed up teeth, and I got what are called "speed braces"... they are a different style that rely on a memory wire instead of individually moving the teeth by tightening wires... the wire is free to slide in the bracket. Orthodontists typically said 18-24 months, This orthodontist gave me near perfect results in about 9 months.... these braces were actually cheaper than regular ones too. It was a no brainer decision. WELL worth it.

Invisalign's arnt all they are cracked up to be, I looked into these extensively. They can not correct severy orthodontic problems, so many people still need to include traditional braces in thier treatments. They are ALOT more expenisve than traditional braces, and are not as effective. They are intended for correcting slight problems, like one or two crooked teeth, not a mouthfull of croweded teeth.
Reply:get a job, brush with brite toothpaste, and buy braces. i have braces, i I wont smile cause there stupid, but it WILL be worth it
Reply:My uncle is in his late 20s, and he just got this new Invisalign thing. It's like a retainer, and you wear them every night. Every two weeks, you go in and get a new one. It's quick too, you only have to do it for a few months, and it supposedly works. I don't know the cost, but it sounds good! Check with a dentist.
Reply:You can live with it. Get with an orthodontist and let him know that insurance is an issue. Most are kind enough to allow payments over time such as monthly payments if it is a local small doctor office place.
Reply:Your wisdom teeth have come in impacted and pushed all your other teeth out of line. You're not too old to get braces. You should check several in your area. You don't pay for it all at once, you'll pay so much a month.

The way your teeth are, you'll be more apt to have cavities. If you're determined, you'll get them. Don't give up.
Reply:Get Invasilign, In Mexico... From what I hear, its cheap and works!?!?! It's worth a shot if you've got a latino friend %26amp; live close to the border...

Anyway... I work for an oral surgeon, I've seen the worst.. It's all fixable!!!
Reply:well they can striaghten your teeth without braces but its like10,000 dollars.. so i guess if u dont want braces ur otta luck
Reply:Ok. I am going to speak from experience. I have crooked teeth. I chose not to smile for a lot of pictures over the years. I have been embarrassed horribly because of the way my teeth look. I haven't had insurance to fix them. As I have gotten older, because the teeth are crooked, they have started moving. I now do have teeth on top of other teeth and a space in between my front teeth. I also have horrible pain in my mouth on a daily basis. I am now almost 40 years old. Please, do yourself a favor. Fix it as soon as you are able. Once you have a job and decent dental insurance, don't put it off like I did. Save yourself the embarrassment and pain. I don't wish this on anyone. I take advil on a daily basis. And it hurts when I eat. Braces would have been worth it. If I knew then what I know would certainly have been different. Please....learn from my experience. I do understand where you are coming from. It is worth it.

I have to add that my options now are to get all of my teeth taken out and get dentures...not a pretty prospect. Don't do this to yourself.


How important is a guys teeth?

Ok I am thinking of having some major dental work done, about $20,000 worth of work. I want 15 porcelan veneers put in and I am going to get braces. I saw the before and after pictures and it is amazing what these dentists can do.

My mom tells me I am overly self-concious about my teeth and she really doesn't notice it, but I do.

I have had a few high school girls flirt with me when I work as a subsitute teacher. These girls have told me I am real cute, so maybe people don't notice my teeth?

I do like crazy, it bothers the hell out of me. I am an expert at hiding my teeth and only partially showing them. I have noticed how good a mans teeth are become less obvious if he has a beard or mustach because the teeth are harder to see when he smiles. Maybe I should grow a beard, but then I would look older and I enjoy looking young.

How important is a guys teeth?
If it bothers you then do it. It's not allowing you to be open and be you. Girls care about teeth but just prefer them to be clean and healthy. Straight is good too. Most important thing is fresh breath. He could have the most perfect teeth then breathe the dragon breath on you and it's all over for the mood.
Reply:pretty important
Reply:i think that you should get your teeth done if it makes you happy and more self confident. the biggest thing that girls find sexy is self confidence.
Reply:whatever makes you comfortable, please don't' get a beard because you might lose you sex appeal, if you want to get your teeth done to make you feel better go for it. its about how you feel and not your mom, besides the fact that she should love you no matter what she could be lien or your teeth aren't that bad.
Reply:It is nice to have a nice smile, but its not everything. Apparently, they are not like really jacked up or the little girls wouldn't be flirting with you. However, get them fixed just to boost your self-esteem.
Reply:you have to do what makes you happy. forget what everyone else says..
Reply:I do think that teeth are very important, however, I don't want to see a mouthful of white Chicklets nor do I want to be blinded by unnaturally white teeth. Certainly that isn't to say that general dental hygiene isn't important. You can certainly tell when people take care of their teeth.

People are their own worst critic. I have only seen 1 or 2 people in my life that needed serious dental work. You should certainly do what makes you feel good but keep in mind that most people don't see the flaws that we see in ourselves. Perhaps an opinion from a dental professional can get you want you want without having to pay all that money. I would suggest that before jumping in with both feet.
Reply:Get the work done, it will change the way you feel about yourself whether you "need" them or not.

That's what you'd say to a gal thinking of breast enlargement, isn't it? Think about how you feel about others getting cosmetic work - and work from there.


What do 'normal' teeth (canines ) look like?

My canines look too large to me, someone told me I looked like a vampire! :-E

Look at pictures of models in magazines, their canines seem about the same height as nearby teeth.

So what do normal teeth look like?

What do 'normal' teeth (canines ) look like?
They are somewhat longer than any other tooth, especially the laterals that are next to them, toward the front. Most people refer to them as the "vampire teeth" because they are pointed and longer than the others. They should normally be anywhere from 2mm or longer than the bi's and laterals. Don't look at models, they aren't good examples of what is normal, only what we think is normal because it looks better or different than what we have. This is a site that has a photo in their gallery that shows a good example. Hope I've been of some help and good luck!
Reply:Yes they are v shaped
Reply:v-shaped and everybody is different- don't go by Hollywood types they restructure everything on their bodies for mass appeal.

family nanny

Unaligned top front teeth...?

Alright, So, I had braces for nine years.. yes nine.. my teeth were AWFUL. but i got my braces last year, and it was great, for 30 seconds, i still have an underbite and my top two teeth are not aligned with the rest of my face, the underbite doesnt really bother me its the alignment that bothers me. the purpose of the braces was to be able to smile for pictures again and i still cant do it without feeling badly about my smile... there straight teeth no snaggle teeth or anything and there a beautiful shade of white but the alignment really bothers me and i REALLY dont want brace again, i mean nine years c'mon. Does anyone have any idea what other options i may or may not have. Anyone hear about that crazy jaw surgery? Does it work? I cant have braces again, i finally feel like an beautiful adult (minus the alignment) not having braces anymore im not going back. help :(

Unaligned top front teeth...?
I can understand your burnout because you have been in different kinds of orthodontic treatment for 9 years. From your description, it sounds like you have a Class III skeletal malocclusion. Often, when these are diagnosed early, as yours was, various growth appliances will help advance the maxilla and try to prevent the mandible from advancing more.

As I said, often, when these are used early, the need for orthognathic surgery can be prevented. Unfortunately, it sounds like it didn't work for you and now you required these jaw surgeries.

The techniques for advancing the maxilla and reducing the mandible surgically have been around since the 1970's. In fact, orthognathic surgery has been combined with orthodontics has created revolutionary advances in the types of cases that can be treated.

I'm sure all this history doesn't really help you feel better. I just hope you understand that your situation isn't hopeless, these surgeries do work, and eventually you will have achieved your extreme makeover.

Attached is a link to some before and after photos of cases like yours.

office supply

My daughter's had braces on her teeth for 6 years, how can I get her in the guinesses book of world records

By word of mouth from church members I took my daughter to an orthodontist, he has a great personality. After a while, even though we felt the orthodontic treatment was taking a little too long (he said it would take 2 years), and even though we began to notice and be concerned about her teeth beginning to protrude, he assured us that he would be able to straighten her teeth. We trusted him, after all, he is the "expert" in his field. In 5 years and 9 months, through middle school, high school, high school graduation pictures and two oral surgeries, he has managed to have my daughter's teeth protude and has managed to flatten her palate. The new orthodonist was very surprised at the angulation of my daughter's teeth. So not only do we want to see if we have a world record for the most damage done under orthodontic treatment, we want to see if we can find an attorney. As a mother, I feel very guilty for not recognizing that the orthodontist didn't know what he was doing.

My daughter's had braces on her teeth for 6 years, how can I get her in the guinesses book of world records
SORRY, The world record for wearing orthodontic braces is 20 years. If you would like proof, google world record orthodontic.

In part 8: FAQ scroll down to question 101.

office stationery

Teeth help plz :)!?

well i have a medium sized gap about this size:

and was wondering if the product called teeth effect bands work?

this page shows results but if the gap closes up front, wont it pass to the sides? the pictures dont show it..

Teeth help plz :)!?
I just reviewed the website you were referring to, and I find there is no longer a need to ever see an orthodontist. No more waiting in the waiting room, or sitting out reading age-old magazines. Here is a miracle product which will close the gap that orthodontist have spent years perfecting.

Before you go running out and buying these over-priced rubber bands, I would tell you that the above paragraph is only sarcasm.

If you really still wish to try this, then why not go out and buy some very small rubber bands yourself. I do believe that you can find this very small rubber band sold elsewhere as "rubber bands". My bet is you can get them of 1 percent of the price they are trying to sell them for. Just stop using them if you find your teeth are becoming loose and you start to wonder if your two front teeth are going to fall out of your mouth, causing an even bigger gap.

I hope this helps.
Reply:how about braces...?
Reply:links don't work
Reply:Can't get any pics.
Reply:It would definitely cause alot of discomfort. See a dentist for real advice. Capping the teeth might be a better option.
Reply:get braces if u dont know.....
Reply:Braces are the best.

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I'm 24 years old and when I look back at my childhood pictures I could never find one with a tooth missing...

But the shape of my teeth as a young child are the same now...Is it possible that I did not lose my teeth growing up..Because I do not think I have adult teeth????

I'm 24 years old and when I look back at my childhood pictures I could never find one with a tooth missing...
This isn't unheard of. I have never encountered a case where no adult teeth are present, but that doesn't mean it's impossible.

Deciduous teeth (baby teeth) can serve as permanant teeth. This is because an adult tooth never developed and root resorption was unnecessary.

Don't worry. Your roots are strong. You most likely will not loose those teeth. They serve as your adult teeth.

The best way to find out for sure is to visit a dentist. Trust me if you are using all of your baby teeth, they will tell you.
Reply:lol omg. That is weird... You don't remember losing any teeth?? AT ALL??? Odd.... I remember the first tooth I lost.... it was hell. lol interesting question.
Reply:I am certain your dentist would have mentioned the fact that you still had your baby teeth.

I have seen people with really little teeth and wondered if they still had their baby teeth so I know what you are talking about
Reply:If your 24 its possible that you lost your baby teeth at a really young age and just dont remember loosing any teeth. Its possible that your teeth are just small and look small. Theres no possible way that you would have all your baby teeth, maybe a few baby teeth but not all your teeth.

Visual Arts

Is there any thing I can fill in the gaps from missing teeth in the lower front?

I lost 2 of my adult teeth right in the front bottom.I am going to get lower dentures in the future.but Iam ashamed to even smile even thou I have upper dentures.Is there anything I can do to fill in the gap where the teeth are missing for when I am at functions or taking pictures? thanks

Is there any thing I can fill in the gaps from missing teeth in the lower front?
if you save up your money you can do the implants and then you would never have to worry or else get one of those bridges? Those can be taken in and out as you please. The only bad part of the bridge is that they do have to kill the roots in the teeth next to them.
Reply:As a Englishman I can understand your predicament. Our socialise medicine over in Ole Blighty is so bleeding bad that we sometimes resort to pulling out our own defective teeth with rusty pliers. I would find someone elses teeth to knock out and then glue them in.
Reply:have you looked into information about a bridge?

i had to have one of my adult teeth pulled because i had another tooth growing on top of it... as of right now i have braces, and there isn't anything i can do about it however i'm getting them off tomorrow (yay me!) and my retainer will have a tooth in it... but after i stop using my retainer i've chosen to get an implant, but bridges were an option.


My daughter's had braces on her teeth for 6 years, how can I get her in the guinesses book of world records

By word of mouth from church members I took my daughter to an orthodontist, he has a great personality. After a while, even though we felt the orthodontic treatment was taking a little too long (he said it would take 2 years), and even though we began to notice and be concerned about her teeth beginning to protrude, he assured us that he would be able to straighten her teeth. We trusted him, after all, he is the "expert" in his field. In 5 years and 9 months, through middle school, high school, high school graduation pictures and two oral surgeries, he has managed to have my daughter's teeth protude and has managed to flatten her palate. The new orthodonist was very surprised at the angulation of my daughter's teeth. So not only do we want to see if we have a world record for the most damage done under orthodontic treatment, we want to see if we can find an attorney. As a mother, I feel very guilty for not recognizing that the orthodontist didn't know what he was doing.

My daughter's had braces on her teeth for 6 years, how can I get her in the guinesses book of world records
Go here:

I got someone into the book this year for the longest career as a music teacher and I can tell you, those Guiness people take their records VERY seriously. You will have to document everything about your claim.
Reply:THis isn't the longest by far, there are many other people who have had longer treatments Report It

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Should I get brackets on all my teeth?

My orthodentist has glued brackets on only the front teeth upper as well as lower, I feel that he should have glued them on all my teeth since I feel that my jaw kinda droops, as in ,in my pictures my face tends to look elongated, should I tell him to fix brackets on all teeth and push them all back???? Plz help.

Should I get brackets on all my teeth?
Orthodontic treatment is a long process. You are only in the first stage. You may need to have brackets on all of your teeth later on, but for now your ortho is isolating the 4 front teeth. Perhaps as they get pulled back he will begin with the other teeth.

You will get brackets put on and off all of the time. Why have brackets on the back teeth, to catch on stuff and cut your mouth if they are not necessary yet.
Reply:it's what your orthodontist thinks is best for you. why didn't you clarify with him? i'd ask my orthodontist like, what you doing with my canines and why, stuff like that.
Reply:its what in your mind you should talk to your dentist

then he will tell you if its right or wrong.


Teeth effect bands? do they work?

well i have a medium sized gap about this size:

and was wondering if the product called teeth effect bands work?

this page shows results but if the gap closes up front, wont it pass to the sides? the pictures dont show it..

Teeth effect bands? do they work?
hola tani! personalmente yo no creo q eso ea la manera mas eficient d que tus dientes se junten xq eso es cmo lo q ud hizo ese dia aqui n la ksa, q se puso mi liga entre sus dientes... y duele... pero yo no soy ninguuna experta, mejor preguntele a su dentista! talvez si sirva quien sabe

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Teeth Movement?

I wear my retainer like almost everyday except for eating of course. And I might not put it back in after a few hours of eating maybe between one and three hours. But sometimes I do forget to wear it at night which is like once every three weeks and I just got them off at the end of January. Other than I wear them all the time. The problem is I was looking at some old pictures from when they first came off and I noticed that two of my teeth are shifting. Will the retainer correct that or will I have to get braces again? It is not a lot movemnt just like tooth is curving behind another and on the bottom one is a little curved out but not a lot. The difference is the top.

Teeth Movement?
No, you Will NOT have To get Braces Again.

Just See Your Dentist/Ortho And Get your retainer Tightened In That Part. No Biggie. =]

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Teeth Movement?

I wear my retainer like almost everyday except for eating of course. And I might not put it back in after a few hours of eating maybe between one and three hours. But sometimes I do forget to wear it at night which is like once every three weeks and I just got them off at the end of January. Other than I wear them all the time. The problem is I was looking at some old pictures from when they first came off and I noticed that two of my teeth are shifting. Will the retainer correct that or will I have to get braces again? It is not a lot movemnt just like a tooth is curving behind another and on the bottom one is a little curved out but not a lot. The difference is in the top.

Teeth Movement?
If your retainer still fits, your teeth should be okay if you keep wearing it for as long as your orthodontist told you to. If your teeth start to move so much that your retainer doesn't fit anymore, then you should worry...I doubt you would need braces again, but you would probably have to go back to the ortho do see what they could do for you. I know it sucks, but keep wearing it!

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Teeth to get pulled?? help?

ok so i have like 6 baby teeth and im 14 :/

i hate it.. but anyways.

im getting "shark teeth" with 2 of my teeth..

one is a molar and its pushed the baby one completly on its side pointing towards the inside of my mouth, but i cant get it out..

and the other is my right canine and the baby one isnt very loose but the adult one is kinda big...

i really want to get my braces on as soon as possible so i can get them off fast. i dont want them in my senior pictures and i dont know how long ill have to have my braces on... im in 9th grade.

so please give me a way to get my teeth out. the loose and not the loose.. but mainly the "shark" ones.

please a way besides the dentist if you can, thats going to be very expensive and the braces are already going to cost a bunch..

thank you in advance :]

Teeth to get pulled?? help?
You have to go to a dentist. The pain from pulling them by yourself could be enough to make you faint, plus you could get an infection and end up dying from it. Also, if you damage the bone in your jaw by trying to pull them yourself, you could end up disfigured and your teeth would look even worse. For gosh sakes go to the dentist. This isn't something you can do yourself girlfriend. TALK TO YOUR PARENTS!!!
Reply:Well if they aren't loosening up on their own and coming out, you *may* need the dentist to remove them. If you go in for cleanings, perhaps at the next appointment you can talk to them about it and ask if they have any suggestions, or find out at that time if it would need to be done by them.

I've had all four wisdom teeth out, the baby teeth, since they don't have the deep roots that adult teeth have, probably shouldn't be difficult at all in comparison.

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How do I copy pictures from my RAZR to my computer via blue tooth?

Ok I'm confused. My RAZR manuel says I can copy pictures from my phone to my computer via bluetooth. I have the bluetooth earpiece. Am I supposed to have something else? I can't see how I can submit pictures to a computer via an earpiece.

How do I copy pictures from my RAZR to my computer via blue tooth?
You need a Bluetooth adapter for your computer, after that, just look at the RAZR's manual - it has everything there.

Good luck!
Reply:You need a bluetooth computer dongle
Reply:turn on the bluetooth on both devices, go to the picture you want to send, select "send" via bluetooth. it will search for any bluetooth device around. select your computer and press Ok or whatever option you have. it might ask you for a PIN, just enter same four digit number on both devices when prompted

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How can i whiten my teeth really fast?

i have school pictures in 2 days and i really need to whiten my teeth is there anything i can use that is fast and efficient..anyone know any home remedies??


How can i whiten my teeth really fast?
go to a dentist and let them whiten for you
Reply:ummm..... arm and hamer, or get crest or any other whitening kits!
Reply:Here are many ways that you can whitening your teeth!

For home remedies.

Mix baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to form toothpaste. Brush the teeth regularly with this paste. It will remove all stains in a month.

Use bicarbonate of soda 5 minutes before brushing the teeth with normal toothpaste in the morning. This is a good home remedy for teeth whitening.

Rubbing the bark of walnut tree on the teeth helps in removing all stains from the teeth.

Strawberries are considered natural teeth whiteners. Rubbing the teeth with strawberries daily will remove all the stains.

If you would like a suggestion on tooth whitening gel, here's something for you!

Crest Night Effects Whitening Gel (about $18.00) allows you to remove stains while you sleep. The tooth whitening system has a fresh, wintergreen flavor. After fourteen days of sleeping with this product on your teeth, you will wake up to a vibrant smile. You should see results in two days, although there are reports of tooth whitening results in one night

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Question about teeth?

I'm just 16... and i've never expierenced this before, so i really need help right now. my teeth have always been great...but i was in a collision a few days ago during sports, and one of my teeth hurt a little bit and is shaking a bit... after i went to the dentist, and she took pictures. she said its shaking, but no bleeding or hurt a lot, and from the pictures, its hard to determine if its broken... so she stablized it for me. so now, i'll have the steel thing for 3 months +. anybody has any other suggestions for protecting this injured tooth?

Question about teeth?
Your dentist did the right thing to stabilize the tooth and allow it to try to heal itself. If I was you I would see about getting a sports mouth-guard made to wear when you are playing sports. It's the smart thing to do and would have prevented your having this problem in the first place. Good luck!
Reply:Don't eat anything hard or crunchy foods. Avoid chewing with the affected tooth.

You should be ok tho. Don't worry your mouth will heal itself.
Reply:i'm in the dental field. an injured tooth like urs may end up with dead root or root fracture (also known as root canal). it may not happen now, but in due time it will. i've seen patients that's been in accidents thats tooth goes dead immediately and some may take years,

if your tooth is mobile now, chances are, it will heal a bit, but it'll nvr be the same.

just make sure you follow up with your dentist in a few months and have her take your xray to make sure the nerve havent died.

hope this helps

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Whiter Teeth?!?

I have school pictures in 3 days!?!? I was wondering how I could get whiteer teeth within that time preiod. I'm pretty low on cash, so home recipies would be a miracle for me. PLEASE HELP!!

Whiter Teeth?!?
Overall I would say that most of my patient's have had some measure of success with the Crest Whitestrips, some more than others.The results are usually pretty quick, noticeable in the first few days, best in a week or longer. Our office uses Crest Supreme which are much stronger than what you can buy in a drugstore and don't cost that much more ($60.00 vs $30.00). You can purchase the drugstore version, but if you can do yourself the favor of using them right after you get your teeth cleaned as any staining and buildup (tartar or plaque) will impede their ability to work. Also, don't use fluoride toothpaste before putting the strips on (same reason). The strips are probably your best low price alternative, much less than in office whitening or custom trays (about $500.00). I am also hearing happy reviews with the Aquafresh whitening trays, unlike the strips they don't have the tendency to slip or move). All of the methods (strips, trays, custom trays, in office whitening) have the potential to make your teeth temporarily sensitive, but will not harm the enamel. If you get sensitive use the product every other day in conjunction with a sensitive tooth toothpaste. You might try to drink dark liquids through a straw and don't smoke. Most whitening toothpastes just remove stain on the surfaces of your teeth and therefore are not so effective. Whatever method you use it will not whiten your teeth for life, as you age your teeth will get darker and may need to be whitened again.

Good luck!

JAMRDH - a dental hygienist
Reply:Just Go brush your teeth for like 1 hour haha
Reply:Hmmm.... way to procrastinate!!! Nada baby unless you do the zoom whitening which will cost ya a few pennies!!
Reply:This mixture works perfectly: Mix Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda in a little dish and brush with it before using your normal toothpaste. Also, switch to Crest Expressions toothpaste which helps remove surface stains.

Try avoiding "teeth staining" foods like coffee and soda from now until after your school pictures. Good Luck!

mens health

Nick Jonas Pictures?

Okay..we all know Nick almost NEVER smiles with his teeth (aka a "full smile") But does anybody know of any pictures where he actually is because I would really love them and I hear they're adorable!

Nick Jonas Pictures?

I think this is one
Reply:No sorry
Reply:(This probabaly will get me a thumbs down XD)

But, I think you can serch it using the key words "Nick jonas, smilies." Then you can click images. I think it would be hard to find them. But, good luck! :]
Reply:he smiles in the hannah montana best of both worlds 3D movie.
Reply:i did not know that nick never smiles with his teeth, until 2 minutes ago i did not know who he was i found a pic with teeth

type in google image search 'nick jonas teeth'

Reply:I have two i got them off google images he mainly smiles a real smile when hes with miley cyrus..!!
Reply:yes! go to this site and search 'jonas brothers'. Then click "Teen Idols 4 You : Pictures of Jonas Brothers in General Pictures" ad there is ENDLESS pictures of the nick and his brothers and many he is smiling. %26lt;3. Hope that helps! (He does look amazing when hes smiling %26lt;3 !!!


Should i get orthodontic braces and treatment? (pictures)?

tell me by the way u judge this pictures. i would like to acquire a near perfect smile/teeth. my orthodontist told me to get invisalign but could i still get ceramic braces though? im tryin really hard to make the decision. the pain and cost doesnt matter as long as the resluts are good.

Should i get orthodontic braces and treatment? (pictures)?
Braces are actually not that bad. They are a little uncomfortable going in, but it gets easier over time. Getting them adjusted means they will be tender for a while, but the duration of that shortens each time. For me, the worst part was getting molds of my teeth. cheers!
Reply:nice teeth, not too bad braces would help and are not the end of the world

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A couple of questions about dogs teeth?

My boyfriend told me today that his mom said that dogs teeth mold. I thought he, was crazy, is there any truth in this? I was saving all the puppy teeth that I find and was going to put them in an album with pictures of our dog.

Also, I heard that some dogs eat their teeth, is this true? I've found 4 puppy teeth so far, but I heard my dog crunching on something when she was laying down (in a room without food, or any bones to chew on). I was wondering if she ate her tooth, I tried to look in her mouth but by the time I got to her she had already swallowed whatever it was (I'm not worried about her eating something she wouldn't be, it was over a week ago and she's been fine, normal bowl movements and such).


A couple of questions about dogs teeth?
I have my dogs baby teeth in an album (yeah we are both crazy I guess) and it has been 9 years and they have not molded.

Dogs don't "eat" their teeth. They simply swallow them often unknowingly.
Reply:No, dogs teeth do not mold. They are made out of the same strong enamel that ours our and will stay that way after they fall out.

Yes, some dogs do swallow their teeth, but I have never seen them crunch on them, just swallow them. It isn't harmful and they will move out with the bowel movement.
Reply:In the wild dog's eat almost every part of a carcass. Skin, hair, fat, meat, and bone. It's perfectly normal for them to swallow their teeth it shouldn't cause any complications.

Dog's teeth get plaque and such like humans do if not taken care of.
Reply:No.. Teeth do not mold.. I have kitten teeth from my Siamese cats that I have had since 1983.. They will however eat their teeth when they are puppies.. It happens all the time.. I have never heard of a dog having problems after eating their puppy teeth.. It is very common.
Reply:dogs teeth dont mold

dogs swallow some teeth

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