Sunday, August 2, 2009

What is the best teeth whitener!!!?????

picture day is sept. 12 and i was nice whiter teeth!!! whats the best teeth whitener i could get at a rite aid or a cvs???????

What is the best teeth whitener!!!?????
I used I the regular Crest White strips. I started using them a little over 3 years ago. they worked very well for me. My teeth were a dingy color and i went thru one box and it started to work well. i kinda got obsessed with the whole thing and bought another box as soon as i was finished and would leave the strips in for 30 mins sometimes longer. usually before bed(sometimes i feel asleep in them) on my way to work and sometimes on my way home from work......but that was 3 years ago and my teeth are still white. i get complements all the time about how white and nice they are. not freakishly white but when i look at pictures of me and other people my teeth make theirs look nasty.

**i one point i also tried the kind you brush on but it was horrible,very messy,nasty tasting,and hard to put on....i went back to the strips....much better....just try to use them when you dont have to talk or anythign cause saliva gets in between really easy and they slip off and you start to taste the stuff that whitens the teeth. but i swear by these things.

hotels reviews

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